Direct Siding helps St. Vincent de Paul North
| November 28, 2024
St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho said a contribution from Direct Siding is helping the nonprofit make significant strides toward improving affordable housing at the Ross Point One community with over 50 residents.
Direct Siding wrote a check to St. Vincent's for 50% of the $65,000 project as a charitable contribution, enabling SVDP to provide high-quality, affordable housing to those in need.
"As a charitable contribution, we processed a check back for 50% of the final amount of this project," said Aaron Mote, representing Direct Siding. "At Direct Siding, we believe that beautiful siding can help residents feel great about their homes, so we love to work with nonprofits that serve our communities and populations."
He said Direct Siding "is grateful to work with St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho and to do our small part in helping to support the impact your organization is already making to serve our community.”
By improving the exterior siding of Ross Point One, SVDP and Direct Siding are enhancing both the aesthetics and the sense of pride for residents in their homes, a press release said.
"We are deeply grateful for Direct Siding’s generosity and commitment to our mission," said Dr. Scott Ferguson, CEO of St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho. "This partnership not only helps us stretch our resources further but also provides our residents with a safe, beautiful place to live — something every individual and family deserves."
Ross Point One is one of SVDP’s key affordable housing projects, providing stable and affordable residences for individuals and families in the North Idaho region.